Admissions Consultation
Cheviot Learning Trust Admissions Consultation for the Academic Year 2025/2026
It is a mandatory requirement of the National School Admissions Code that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at an school.
The Trustees of Cheviot Learning Trust are required to determine their school admissions arrangements every year and consult on those arrangements once every seven years. The purpose of this report is to enable the Trust to consult on the published admission numbers and over-subscription criteria for the academic year 2025/2026. The consultation will take place for a period of seven weeks between 4pm Friday 1 December 2023 and 4pm Friday 19 January 2024.
Published Admission Number (PAN)
The PAN is the number of places we intend to make available for the normal admission round. Once the PAN has been set for a school, we will not refuse any applications submitted during the normal admission round for where the PAN has not been exceeded. The PANs for each school is detailed within the individual school policy which is linked below:
First School Consultation Documents
Title/DescriptionResponses to the Consultation
Cheviot Learning Trust welcome comments on:
- The number of pupils to be admitted in the normal admission round (PAN);
- The criteria to be used in the event of oversubscription;
- Admission arrangements
You can respond to the consultation by:
- Completing the google form linked here
- Email to:, marked for the attention of Fiona Ewart