The Chocolate Industry is Effected by Climate Change - How You Can Help

Can you imagine Valentine’s Day without chocolate? Rising temperatures could wipe out a third of cocoa production worldwide by the middle of this century, and climate change is already impacting crop yields.
Cocoa futures hit a record high last week as the weather in the Ivory Coast and Ghana – the two West African nations that produce 60 percent of the world’s cocoa – has been particularly soggy this year, leading much of the cocoa crop to spoil due to rot and disease.
Cocoa is mainly cultivated by smallholder farmers, many of whom will face hard choices as cultivation of the crop grows more difficult. “Cocoa farmers facing critical decisions may start looking to higher-altitude regions where the weather is more favourable for cocoa cultivation, or some may decide to leave cocoa cultivation altogether,” said Kerry Daroci, cocoa sector lead at the Rainforest Alliance.
If you love chocolate like many of us do, there is something you can do. Climate Basecamp has just the campaign for you this month. They’re asking people to reach out to their favourite chocolate brand via email or on social media and urge them to add a “Chocolate is Threatened” label on their packaging. This will raise awareness of this problem and the climate change that is causing it.
This might sound like a very small ask; but research has shown that simply labelling things – including cigarette packs on the risk of cancer, petrol pumps on the risk of carbon emissions, and even burritos on the sustainability of their ingredients – can shift people’s perceptions and increase the chances of behaviour change.
In addition to raising awareness about the threat climate change poses to chocolate production, it's crucial to emphasise the broader implications of sustainability and the importance of speaking out.
Sustainability isn't just about preserving our favourite treats like chocolate; it's about safeguarding the planet for future generations.
By speaking out and urging chocolate brands to add a "Chocolate is Threatened" label, individuals can contribute to a larger movement for sustainability. This small action has the potential to spark conversations, educate consumers, and pressure companies to prioritise sustainable practices.
Furthermore, it's essential to recognise the power consumers hold in driving change. By making informed choices and supporting companies that prioritise sustainability, individuals can influence market trends and encourage industries to adopt more eco-friendly practices.
Ultimately, sustainability is everyone's responsibility. Whether it's advocating for labelling initiatives, supporting sustainable brands, or engaging in grassroots activism, each action contributes to a more sustainable future. By speaking out and taking action, we can all play a part in preserving the planet for generations to come.